CPEG began more than 20 years ago as a group of clinician-researchers participating in a pan-Canadian clinical study and became an independent association in 2005.
Our activities include a yearly high level scientific and educational meeting, which is hosted on a rotating basis by all pediatric endocrinology centres in Canada. Research advances and new information regarding diagnosis and management of all aspects of pediatric endocrinology and diabetes are discussed at the annual scientific meeting. Support of pediatric endocrinology trainees is another important focus. Thanks to industry support, CPEG offers clinical and research fellowships for Canadian trainees. To date, over 35 pediatric endocrinology fellows have received support through the CPEG fellowship program. CPEG also provides support to ensure that fellows can attend the yearly academic meeting. CPEG also works to represent Canadian pediatric endocrinologists and our patients on standing committees within the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) and the Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES).
This website (“Portal”) was launched in the Fall of 2009 and substantially updated in the summer of 2013. The website has the potential to improve the way CPEG members work and collaborate together. However, it will only prove to be useful if it is being used. Please familiarize yourself with the website and use it regularly. Please let me know if you identify needed revisions or changes. We want to work together to make this website as user-friendly as possible. CPEG information such as our bylaws, the program of the annual scientific meeting, the information for fellowship applications and abstract submission forms will be posted on the website so that all our members can access this information as easily as possible. Some clinical tools such as the WHO Growth Charts for Canada and associated tools are also available through this website. We hope you find these useful.